Wednesday, December 29, 2010
tattoo in the eye
Eye Tattoos – Good God, Scary Is an Understatement
Tags : eyeball, tattoo
Remember my post Tattoo of
eye tattoo meanings
I've always had a phobia of things being in or around my eye.
Yellow eYeball TaTToo
Eyeball Tattoos Banned in Midwest State!
ville eye heartagram
Just some ideas for an eye tattoo for a friend. Although it wasn't used in
All sEEing EyE EyElid tattOO
Bubba's Tattoos · Bubba
Remember my post Tattoo of the Year / Decade? Well here is the most recent
Sick tattoo and wicked bod mod photo galleries
Labels: Tattoo Picture Eyes Unique
Eye Tattoos. March 17th, 2009 @ 9:26am. Video Courtesy of
tattoo eye ( 8 ), Trent Edward's neck, Trent's Neck tattoo
I love cool and unusual tattoos. This "angry eye" looks so real,
From my part, I don't think that I'd be able to tolerate needles in my eyes,
In general, tattoos are not very often in your eyes.
The first eye tattoo!